Real-life stories: Suicidal or just unable to cope
Corry Bush was scared by sexual abuse, family rejection, violence, drink and drugs. Physically and mentally exhausted she threw herself from a window. Two Christians, who witnessed her fall, prayed for her – the results of those prayers changed Corry’s life.
Born in Holland, the youngest of six children, Corry Bush grew up in a religious family not unlike the American Amish community. Sexually abused from the age of five by her oldest brother, she rebelled as a teenager and was rejected by her family. ‘Women were born for housekeeping and creating a family. Church was the most important thing for my parents and wider family,’ remembers Corry. Her parents would not allow a TV, radio or music and on Sundays no activities except for church attendance. By the age of 12, Corry began experimenting with drink and drugs. Her pastor saw her going into a pub disco wearing make-up. He issued the family with an ultimatum – church or child. They chose to abandon their daughter. ‘For my family I was lost, I belonged to the devil and I believed in that. I walked away from home, slept on the beach and stole my food and drinks and all that I needed.’ She was looked after by friends, tried living at home again but left for good aged just 14. ‘My life began or was it already ruined? I left God and church far behind me and also my family and school.’ Corry started to drink more and took up with an ex-prisoner, a drinker and drug user. ‘His life was around motorbikes and of course, I also fell in love with bikes and the world around it.’ For five years her life revolved around bikers’ parties, alcohol, ‘negative’ sex and violence. ‘My partner and I had many violent fights and one night he threatened to kill me.’ She turned to more drugs for escape. ‘In 1996 I became very paranoid and voices in my head took control over my thinking. One day I went to visit a drugs prevention centre to see if they were able to help me. Two Christians were there. It happened that through the voices in my head I jumped through a large window and, shocked from the jump and broken glass, the two Christians started to pray over me. ‘For the first time I experienced a sense of peace in my heart and also a hope for God – the real God.’ Corry was admitted to a local mental hospital and her time there proved a turning point. ‘I started to get a hunger for God. I started to believe in a strong God who was able to restore my life again.’ On her release Corry was reconciled to her parents and family. ‘In that time I started to read the Bible where God promises to make the dessert blossom and to make a way. And I had to trust in Him. ‘I knelt before Jesus on the first day I came home and devoted my heart and life to Him. I asked forgiveness for all my sins, but also I asked Him to be my Saviour and true God. I wanted to believe in a living God, not made by laws and rules, but a God of love, forgiveness and mercy.’ Corry found the Gospels particularly helpful as she read of Jesus healing people, how He forgave people their sins and how He died on the cross and rose from death. ‘I tried to understand the true meaning of God’s love and how to apply that love in my own broken life. God promised me healing and deliverance and most of all he promised me to restore my family and my health.’ Corry’s life has taken on new meaning. She met and married Andrew and has lived in the UK for more than five years. Motorbikes still play a part in her life though as she is a member of the Christian Motorcyclists’ Association.
Corry Bush, 2009
Story and photographs by courtesy of Challenge Newsline